Tuesday, August 14, 2012

week 24

hey so your story about ryder with lloyd almost made me cry. haha i think the only thing that stopped me is that i am sitting next to a bunch of other people. that is the story i needed today. i have been slacking a little on my prayers. i have been saying them but not with the faith of ryder like i should. there is no way that lloyd should be alive right now. but without a doubt our heavenly father is watching over us and answering prays of faith. i thought i was having it tough here but i think my trials are less than your guys right now. bartbalho is awesome i love the people here we have a lot of good investigators. it is way different than feira. feira was more like our little town and and here is a city like i have never known haha. my area is right next to the beach. like i see the ocean all most every day. the sucky part is that i cant go there. one of these pdays if it happens to not be raining we are going to go there and take poictures. another crazy part is that everything is built on hills. houses on top of houses with wierd angles and ally ways that you cant see until you get there haha. i am starting to get an understanding for one little part of our area but it is hard. the roads are not in squares they just go whatever wich way haha it is insane. It is a lot different here too because we live with the zone leaders here like in jomafa but these zone leaders are a lot more strict . we are in bed every night at ten thirty haha. but it is good we are working really really hard and hope to have a babtism this sunday. we dont walk as far away here like we did in jomafa but it is all up and down and up a giant hill then down again haha. my butt was sore after the first couple days. so i think that you and dad are the only ones that like those brownies because i dont like them either haha.(we made brownies for Kycen for birthday they all seem to get eaten but neither of these kids like them hum)quinn sent me an email the last two weeks i havnt read his today yet but i am sure he is loving it there . the ctm is such a spiritual place it is like nothing i have ever felt before. yesterday we had a zone meeting and they showed this clip about the savior. and president holland was talking and he said how he knows missionaries ask why this work is so hard. why people dont just lisen and accept. how we are all ways so tired and how it is so difficult. he said he himself had asked those questions. but then he said in the talk, it wasnt easy for jesus. so why should we think even for a miniut that being representatives of him would be easy . being deciples of christ means that we will have to feel the tiniest part of the pain he felt. it was such an awesome talk and the move that played during it was the movie of the atonement. it was awesome. here are some pictures of the house and outside of the house. i will try to take some more and send to you next week. i love you guys so much. never never give up , and when in doubt drop .... on your knees and pray.

week 23

I got transfered to salvador. my new area is called barbalho. my new companion is j. gomez, he is from sao paulo. it has been a crazy last two days. yesterday we passed by all the families there in jomafa and had cake at jaces . she gave me that sweet towlel with my name on it. she is such an awsome person i love her so much. i will take you there for sure haha. today i travled most of the day and was at the bus station the other half. my new house isnt as good as my old one. but i think it is a little bigger. my new companion trained elder ortega. how crazy haha. i am here in the part close to all the torist places so i am excited. i cant wait to start working here. i saw elder hubbard today and he said thanks a lot for the insoles he said that you saved him because his old ones fell apart. i got your packages with the backpack and towel and my insols too and the one from grandma ann too. thank you so much i love you guys it is so awesome to get things like that. i am here in salvador now so i will get things a lot faster now. i will tell you more next week i just got here and so its still like new haha. but i love you guys and i hope you have a good week.

New home and companion