Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 86

Hey it is good to hear from you. Well this was the last week of the transfer. We had a goal to babtize 25 people in our zone this month. We ended up with 23! I was disappointed  but so excited at the same time. We were really able to help the entire zone pull together and work hard. Well Elder Ilustre didn't want transferred. He will be the companion that ´´Kills´´ me. That means your last companion on the mission. I will have one more companion who will stay with me and Ilustre for a week before I leave. This week Ilustre and I babtized 2 people. A brother and sister of a member from that little town Santa Barbára. The girl is 15 but she is so little it was so cute. I will have to send you a picture next week cuz I forgot my camera. Her brother is 12 and taller. They were both way easy to babtize though because of their highth. I knew that Kycen wuld be raised though. I am glad that he is roping good though. I bet you are going to be surprised when I get home. I haven't been really roping, but in my mind I never miss. hahaha. I cant even believe that I am on my last transfer. I cant get this in my head hahah. I was going to send you guys a package but I think that I will just wait tell I come home. If you guys want me to get you some stuff from here. I will need a little money cuz I kinda used mine. I love you guys have a good week. I am glad to hear that the finals was ok for you guys. love you all.      

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