I am scared that I dont know how to talk in english any more. I really think that I dont remember how to talk about the gospel in english. In portuguese its easy to talk even without planning, but english I dont know. ..... how are you guys? What you guys gonna do this week.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Week 92-94
This week was absolutly crazy. I have had every emotion you can think
of. Well yesterday I got to church and bishop was like oh Elder Winn you
will be talking today. I asked him for how long? He said well I dont
know yet. 5 or 10 min. I will tell you when its your turn. The funny
thing is that I choose to talk exactly about faith. I think it is the
principle that I have learned the most about. THen at santa Barbara I
got there and what do you know I was asked to talk again. hahahaha Yeah
it will be three times in two weeks. I talked about the holy ghost in
santa barbara though. I wont lie to you guys I cried like a baby last
night. I will miss it so much here. the people are so awesome. The same
pain that I felt when I had to leave you guys to come here I am feeling
for the people here. I am for sure not ready for the clod and the snow
but I am excited to see you guys. I will go to Salvador tomorrow
morning. I will stay at the staff house then on Wednesday we will visit
some tourist sites. If you could put a little money in my account that
would be nice. Like just enough to travel and stuff. I miss you but will
see you all soon. I love you all. ..... oh yeah WE BAPTIZED!!!
I am scared that I dont know how to talk in english any more. I really think that I dont remember how to talk about the gospel in english. In portuguese its easy to talk even without planning, but english I dont know. ..... how are you guys? What you guys gonna do this week.
I am scared that I dont know how to talk in english any more. I really think that I dont remember how to talk about the gospel in english. In portuguese its easy to talk even without planning, but english I dont know. ..... how are you guys? What you guys gonna do this week.
Week 91
It really hadn't fallen through for me yet until this Sunday. I was
still the same missionary as ever doing the same stuff as ever. Then I
went to bare my testimony and I realized. This would be the last time I
ever bare my testimony in a sacrament meeting in Portuguese. After I
bared my testimony I almost cried. I didn't think that I would get
emotional at the end of my mission.I thought that it would be like every
other transfer. I am sure that I will cry several times this week. I am
almost crying just reading your email. I know that I will give it all I
got like i have already been doing, but it still isn't the same knowing
that next week I wont be here anymore. I love the people here so much.
Like if it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't want to come home. This week we
baptized Rafaela. We had several other people to be baptized but they
fell through at the last min or their parents wouldn't give the
authorization. I love the city of Santa Bárbara so much. Rafaela is from
their too. I will give it my all this week dont worry about me. I will
see you guys in just a little while.
I got a response from the lady from uvu. she said that she released my
transcript so you can sign me up for the class. As far as the coats you
can bring them both hahahahaha. I am going to go buy a bunch of stuff to
take home today. I will get you guys some cool stuff. I will send you
some pictures of our baptisms these last couple weeks. I love you all so
much have a good week.
PS. for sure I will buy a dr pepper in atlanta. Its just to pass
the time though. Elder Tangren gave me on last saterday!!!! i LOVE his
mom too. hahahah.
Week 90
This week was good. We worked hard
like normal. We had the first baptism ever held in the city of Santa
Bárbara!! For the very first time in history the sign of the preisthood
was raised in that town. It was so cool. Her name is Luclésia, She
choose me to baptize her.I was so proud of her faith and confidence in
the Lord. She has never even seen the church. She has been to the group
meetings three times where we hold our meetings in a garage, and she
still had the faith to recieve an answer from God and made the decision
to be baptized. I will try to send you some pictures. We baptized her in
a swimming pool of a person that we made our friend for that reason
.... baptize in his pool hahahaha. Here are some names for you. Rafaela,
Taislange, Verônica, João, Emili, Emerson, Tainara, Juarez, Lucia,
Fabíola, Tailane, Eduardo, Luan, Maria, and, Fernando. These are the
people that we want to baptize this week. Our Goal is 10 baptisms so all
your prayers will help us out for sure.
As far as school I think that it will be better if you email her
from my email. One I dont have a lot of time today, since we have to
send in a report about all the Elders and Sisters, and two I will
probably spell something wrong for sure and they dont have spell checker
in english here. hahahaha.
I am trying not to think about when I get home too, but its really
hard. I am working like normal, I am not letting it get to me, but every
once in a while thoughts enter about home hahaha. I think I want to eat
at a simple place, like a mexican restaurante. Yeah mexican for sure
hahahaha. Its been a long time since I ate Mexican. That is way funny
about the bathroom though. I all ways used yours anyway hahaha. It will
be good to have a shower that works though. I cant believe that in about
two weeks I will see you guys. I am excieted. Bring a coat for me. I
love you all. Have a good week.
week 89
Hey Family,
I am doing good. It seems like when we are doing good
and think that we have everything figured out we always need to be
humbled a little bit to remember who is really in charge. Last week we
baptized without any investigatores and this week we had 4 baptisms fall
through. This is the first week in 7 weeks that we didnt baptize. It
was really tough to swallow. I know that we didn't baptize because we
didn't have enough faith or we forgot to do something during the week. We
have like 5 baptisms for sure this week though. I know that I wont let
anything get in our way this week. I don't want to feel this way again in
these last three weeks. As far as me talking on the 15th that is even
better. I will get it out of the way. Talking has never been a problem
for me. I think that I will need David in the front row though. I think
that it might be the hardest part is remember the words in English. Let
me know my topic. It is good to have a topic. I wouldn't like just
talking about anything. the mission is so long and we have so many
experiences that it would be really hard to put a talk together that is
within the time frame and has a point. School looks good. I don't even
know how any of that stuff works anymore so when I get home I will be
able to look at it a little better. Elder Ilustre got his package this
week, but I didn't. I will probably get it the first week in December.
Last week we went to the boonies. it was cool to get out into ranch
country. I will send you some pictures. I think that I will sell my
camera before I come home. I dont think that I will use it and its not
that good of a camera. There is a member here who is going on his
mission in February and is needing one. I will sell it for the price that
I bought it for. Today I am going to see jaci so I will tell her hi for
you. I love you guys. So you guys know that I will be home on fri. like
about 1 o clock. What are your plans for when I get there. Are we going
to go straight home? I will need to be released so I need to know if I
should ask president to release me or if i will be released at home? I
love you guys tell Ryder that I am stoked to sleep in our bed again. I
love you all.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Week 88
Good morning. I am doing good. I will start by trying to answer your questions. As for school think I want to continue for an education major. I dont know about math though. I dont know how much I will be able to handle. it has been so long since I have studied. I dont remember how to do it hahaha. I know that I will still want to practice every day so I want to take as many classes as I can still roping every day. Elder Amormino will just leave on the same day he lives in the state of Minas Gereis. If I forgot to answer any question ask me again.
As for my week it was awesome. I have that goal of every week. This week Elder Ilustre got sick, We werent able to work like normal. During the week I was studying in a chapter of preach my Gospel that I rarely study. Because of what I studied I decided to look in our area book. I was organizing it and I found a baptism form of a little girl who had authoration and everything but didnt have a baptism date. Ilsutre didnt know who she was or where she lived. Sunday came around and I was a little nervouse since we had nobody to baptize. During sacrament meeting there was a talk about faith and miracles. The speaker talked about how on his mission he made a covenant with God to babtize that week, they didnt have anyone to baptize but god provided a person. After sacrament I was talking to a lady who lives in another little town away from here. She had brought with her, her nice. It was the girl from the baptism form. She had all ready been taught everything and was ready to be baptized. we were truly blessed with a miracle . I know that when we have faith and do everything that we can do to reach our goal God will do the rest. I shouldnt have had a baptism this week. but was blessed with a mirical from god. I am so glad that I can be part of his work. I realize every day how little I am, and how weak I am without God.
Another miracle this week. Santa Bárbara that little town that we have been working at had their first meeting in Santa barbara yesterday. I was one of the speakers at the very first sacrament meeting in Santa BArbara. It was so amazing. One more time God showed me how great he is. The members from there have been working so hard and praying so had to open a group there so that they dont have to travle to Feira every Sunday. God answered their prayers. We had about 35 people at the meeting it was so awesome I will send pictures for you. I know that we will have baptisms there this week. the people who whent there loved it. I love you guys and hope you have a good week. Miss you all. meeting it was so awesome I will send pictures for you. I know that we will have baptisms there this week. the people who whent there loved it. I love you guys and hope you have a good week. Miss you all.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Week 87
hahah yeah I know how you feel about the time passing by so fast. It
seems like the time I have even goes by faster than it should...... oh
wait it actually is. The plan was that. stay a couple weeks after the
transfer, but I got a call on fri. President Hart said it will be easier
for him to just send me home at the end of this transfer with the group
ahead of me. My date went from Jan 20 to Dec. 24 to Dec. 19 to now
Dec. 12. I will be getting my travel itinerary here in a couple weeks
you guys should get an email as well. So yeah I know that you are happy.
I will not only be home for Christmas, but my birthday too!!! I wasn't
really raedy for that call. I know it was only a week and a half, but it
was making me think that I had more time that I actually have hahaha. I
now have 5 weeks left. I am trying not to think about that though. We
are still working hard. We baptized Tainara this week. I was really
excited. She is a young lady who we have been teaching for like a month
now. Our goal is to baptize 14 people this month, and my personal goal
is baptize every week before I go home. I will now go home with Elder
Amormino ( who I lived with in the staff) so that will be cool I guess. I
have gotten some stuff for you guys. I will bring some stuff home for
everyone. More for kycen and ryder, but I didn't think you guys would
mind. I know you guys will love the stuff I have though.
Sounds good on the school and the truck. So does that mean you got me
signed up alright for school? What classes am I going to take? As for my
birthday and stuff I think it will better to just wait now that I will
be home in time. I am sure that there will be a lot of stuff that I will
need. Especially winter stuff. hahahaha I am going to die. This week I
got your package. Thank you so much. I have been loosing
weight but this week I don't think that I did hahahahaha. I ate almost
all my candy. I love you guys have a good week. miss you all.
Week 86
Hey it is good to hear from you. Well this was the last week of the
transfer. We had a goal to babtize 25 people in our zone this month. We
ended up with 23! I was disappointed but so excited at the same time. We
were really able to help the entire zone pull together and work hard.
Well Elder Ilustre didn't want transferred. He will be the companion that
´´Kills´´ me. That means your last companion on the mission. I will have
one more companion who will stay with me and Ilustre for a week before I
leave. This week Ilustre and I babtized 2 people. A brother and sister
of a member from that little town Santa Barbára. The girl is 15 but she
is so little it was so cute. I will have to send you a picture next week
cuz I forgot my camera. Her brother is 12 and taller. They were both
way easy to babtize though because of their highth. I knew that Kycen
wuld be raised though. I am glad that he is roping good though. I bet you
are going to be surprised when I get home. I haven't been really roping,
but in my mind I never miss. hahaha. I cant even believe that I am on my
last transfer. I cant get this in my head hahah. I was going to send
you guys a package but I think that I will just wait tell I come home.
If you guys want me to get you some stuff from here. I will need a
little money cuz I kinda used mine. I love you guys have a good week. I
am glad to hear that the finals was ok for you guys. love you all.
Week 85
Hey this week was good. We had a zone meeting and
interviews last Tuesday. I guess I will start of by telling you the
things you will like to hear. I talked to president about how no elder
can travel from the 20th tell the 25. Sorry to tell you I wanted to stay
until after Christmas, but ..... President Hart said, ´´ Well if I am
going to send you home early it doesn't make sense for you not to be home
for Christmas. He is going to send me home on the 19th. I will be
arriving even sooner than I thought. Know that you are all happy I will
tell you about this week. Elder Ilustre was engaged before the mission
and his fiance has been waiting this whole time, one year and eight
months. Well last Monday he found out that she was dating another
peorson.THey broke up and as hard as he tried to not let it affect him
he was pretty devastated this week. We were still able to work a lot and
we had a miracle this week. We were working with a young women named
Tainara. She was excited to be baptized and all until fri. It was really
hard because we had been doing everything perfect with here. Like every
lesson was with members we wer following up with all of our invitations
and everything. We knew that if we asked with faith God would provide.
Well Sunday Tainara didn't go to church, but we ha another investigator
there. She absolutely loved it. We went to her house after church and
taught her everything and challenged her to be babtized on that day. She
ACCEPTED!!!. Well we had planned that fireside so we went there me and
Ilustre gave the fireside and during this she was interviewed by Elder
Ferreira.... I dont know if I told you or not but I live with Ferreira
(my old companion) again. Then at the time of the babtism she wanted to
give up and not be babtized. We talked to her and talked to her. after
about an hour we learned that she has a phobia of water. Well with the
help of some of the members she got enough corrage to put on the babtism
cloths and we decided that me and Ilustre would babtize here to help
her feel more safe. Well still with both of us she was absolutely
terrified. after about 30 to 45 min we got here into the middle of the
font. Well we knew that it was one chance and that was it. We said the
prayer and she started down in the water face first since she wouldn't
do in going backwards. Well when she had her head next to the water I
triped her and held her legs with mine and held her around the waist,
and pushed on here back and Ilustre like jumped on top of here and we
got her all of the way under. It was quite a site, but in the end she
was so so happy. She knew that it was what God wanted her to do, but was
so scared. I am so glad we have good members here if not they would
have gotten mad hahaha. The bishops wife told us before we went in. If
she goes into the water she doesn't leave without being babtized. It was a
fight, but one more person is now able to use the atonement in their
Keep trying hard. Never give up. I know that if seems like things wont
get better, but trust in yourself and go out there and do what you know
how to do. I want to hear from you next Monday. Taylor we won a trailer,
or we made a killing. I know that you guys know how to win. Just go out
there and do it. love you guys have a good week.
Week 84
Hey, This week was good. Actually it was really good. We had three
baptisms this week. Two men and a woman from Santa Barbára. Santa
Barbára is a little town like 20 min from freira. We go there 2 times a
week and are trying to open a group there. we now have 15 members from
there. These were the first men that were baptized from there. Then Sara
was the girl she is 23 and has been going to church for like 6 months,
but never wanted to be baptized, then last week she just decided it was
right and that she wanted to serve a mission. She decided all this after
watching conference. There is no doubt in my mind that we have prophets
of God leading our church.I am absolutely loving my area. We have really
good investigatores and we are getting a lot of help from some members.
We are going to have a fireside this next week were I hope we can help
the people understand that babtism is the only way to establish the
kingdom of God on earth. Our ward is really good and our bishop is
awesome. The man you are talking about that lived under the stairs his
name is Jair. We visit him almost every day. His brother gave him a
house to live in while he is rebuilding, so he is not under the stairs
anymore. He is doing good the problem is that he is an ex-drug user so
his family doesn't trust him enough to help him anymore, because they
have all ready helped him many times and it doesn't go right. We are
trying to help him spiritually before we can help him physically. He is
really cool though.
I think that we all have to take it in the face when we actually sit
down and evaluate ourselves, but that is what the atonement is for. That
is why we have the sacrament every week. We don't have to be perfect...
We just have to get as close to it as we can.
As far as school that sounds good to me. I just want to take the
classes that are going help me get my degree. we found out that I will
have to go home a little bit before the 23 or a little bit after
Christmas. No Elder will be able to fly between the 20 and the 25 of
December. I will talk with President tomorrow or later today about what
day I will have to go home. As soon as I know i will let you know. I
know that I will be home in time for school either way.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Week 83
Good morning,
Our week was really good. Alberto was baptized on Wed.
It was really cool. We had to do a little talking him up because he was
scared and his mom wasn't really helping a lot, but in the end it all
worked out. When I got to the church for the baptism The water in the
font was really low and just our luck the water wouldn't turn on to the
font. Well that wasn't going to stop us. We started filling up bucket
after bucket. then I found a hose. Well all in all we got it all worked
out and he was baptized. I haven't watched the sat conference yet. We are
working in a little town 20 min outside of feria.. We want to open a
group there so we decided to go there on sat. and work. We tried to
watch it on the computer but it didn't work.Well i think that it was
worth it because on Sunday we had three new investigators from there at
the conference. It was way cool. I went to Salvador this week too. We
had a meeting at Presidents house. I am finally feeling like I know how
to be a missionary haha. It is good to plant seeds, but like they said in
the work of salvation training. The first step in building the kingdom
of God is through Baptism. I am starting to realize this now. Nobody
can return and live with god without being baptized. It is a lot easier
to accept this in this life. if we don't accept this God has to be just.
As missionaries in a place with so many people who don't know about the
gospel we have to baptize. This is a just desire and all things that we
ask for and work for with faith God will give his children. I have
learned that If I don't baptize during the week it was because I didn't
have enough faith to baptize that week. I need to get a lot more faith.
What is kycens number? Let him go out there and
rope. You cant think about saving your number. We are there to win that
is what he needs to do. If you don't want his number raised don't let him
go, but if he goes you got to let him win. That is cool about CHase.
That is also new to me to know that my truck is all ready at home being
put to use hahaha. I knew my old truck was there but not the new one
hahaha. i loved the pictures I love you guys. Have a good week. I will
try to get you some pictures this next week I forgot my adaper this
week. Hey if you can send this message to Jacy ´´ OI tudo bem? Elder
Winn disse que é pra vocês ligar pra ele. Ele quer falar contigo e
marcar um dia para ir lá `´
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Week 82
How was the actra finals? or is it this weekend? This week was a lot of
running around. We did a lot of splits in other areas. It was hard
because we weren't able to stay in our area as much as we wanted to . I
am loving it here. Especially the fact that I get to eat in the houses of
members every day. I got so sick of mall food. This week was good. One
funny thing that we had to do is our water tank that is in the ground at
our house .... well it didn't have a good lid. So a lizard got into the
tank and died. Well we weren't able to drink the water until all the
water drained and we were able to clean it. Well Tuesday it finally
drained all the way. Well luckily for me I wasn't the skinniest in the
house. We put Elder Graça down inside the tank. One bucket at a time we
emptied out the water completely and then Elder Ferreira climbed down
inside to clean it out too. Now we have a clean water tank and drinkable
water. It was funny because in our pictures you will see that the white
guys weren't the ones who went down in the whole to work hahaha. We were
laughing because Without thinking about it it was the black guys went
down in the whole. This week we worked hard all week and were able to
help some other missionaries in our zone baptize. We were not able to
baptize this week though. Hopefully today or Monday we will be able to
baptize Ablterto he is a young man. Please pray for him. I love you
guys hope you have a good week.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Week 81 WOW
So Summer has been way busy missed like 16 weeks of posting during that time Taylor has been in the Mission Office as the Financial Secretary so not a lot I will post some of his "cool Stories and pictures from there but he is now back in the field.
This week was so good. It has been long though
haha. I didn't have a P-day for more than a week. I have been really
tired hahaha. We have been working so hard. We had a lot of people to
baptize this last Sunday and like they all fell through. It was really
sad. we tried so hard, but I know that the Lord is just testings us.
This week will have baptisms for sure. one really cool thing that
happened is that we stopped a man in the street the other day. Then we
went to visit him. He use to be a pastor of the baptist church. He was
really deceived by the church when he started to study more about the
history of Christ. Then he fell away from the church and his life went
south. He left the state for a while and then when he came home his
house had fallen. Like all the houses here are made from bricks and when
he got home his house was in a mound of bricks. He is now living under
some stairs while he rebuilds his house. He said that he would have
never accepted the Book of Mormon if he wouldn't have been in the
situation that he is now, but because he doesn't have anything else he
started reading it. He received an answer and he wants to be baptized.
He made a promise that he wouldn't enter in another church after he was
deceived. Well he is going to break that promise. I know that the Lord
has big plans for him since he had to humble him so much so that he
would accept the gospel. 7/5/13
haha I miss the long drives. Sure i usually made them like Ryder hahah sleeping. I tell people sometimes about the time that me and you switched drivers while we were still driving. hahaha. Only our family would do that haha. At least here in the city you don´t even think about seeing a horse. Last week was good. we worked all week and got to Sunday and we had a couple people that we thought could be baptized. Me and Elder Bueno went to visit them and nobody was at home. Elder Freitas went with a member to another part of our area and we got a text message. ´´ I think that Filipe will be babtized!´´ He got there and Felipe was just like I am getting babtized today. It was so cool. I know that it was all the Lord because we hadn´t passed by there in like 2 weeks. This week we found a family that is way awesome. Look at this. We were in the field all day and our plans had all fallen through. We were like lets nock on some doors in that apt. building. We were walking there and Elder Bueno out of no where entered into a different building. Then we got in there and I was like hey go all the way to the top. The very first door that we knocked on they let us in. It was Reinata and Martá. Their father got really sick in the last 6 months and now cant do anything by himself. His muscles don't work so he hears and stuff but cant talk or move. He was doing some exercises so we marked to come back in 1 hour. When we went back. Reinata had left to go to the cemetery. On that very day 4 years ago she had a newborn baby that had passed away. We waited for a little then decided that we would have to leave the message without her because she hadn´t gotten home yet. We started teaching the plan of salvation to Martá and her mom and dad. When we got to the part about after this life. Reinata got home. We taught then a lot about families and how they would be able to live with them again. I told Reinata that her daughter was all ready saved in the celestial kingdom and was there just waiting for her to make the right choices so that they could live together again. Almost everyone was crying. It was so amazing how God had prepared everything to happen on the day that it did. I am so grateful for the blessing of the Gospel in out lives. I Can´t imagine what it would be like to lose a member of your family like that and think that it is all over and that you will never see them again. Thank you so much for being a great example in my life and all ways helping me to do the right things, Even when I didn´t all ways want to do them. Today we are going bowling with president Hart. Sister Hart went back to the states, because her father passed away this week. It made me really think about the plan of salvation. I hope that you have a good weekend. Never never give up and when in doubt drop the BOMB. hahaha. I love you guys.
Hey this last week was really cool. We didn't baptize
anyone, but I had one of the coolest experiences this week. I was doing a
baptism interview for the assistants, so Elder Jensen and Elder Bueno
went out in our area and left me with the assistants. They had one person
to baptize who was the brother of one of their recent converts. They
had als three other young men at church who were all friend with members
of the church, like they all ran around together. The recent convert of
the assistants is named Tiago. Tiago planned with elder Amormino that
after the sacrament was passed we would get the other three and split up
Amormino, Lund and Me with three members and teach the three young men,
our purpose was to baptize them. Sacrament was passed and we all went
out into three different rooms. Then Tiago called the three out to meet
with us. I went in a room with Lima and Alan who is the young mens
president and his son. We took Kel in the room with us. I started
teaching about the atonement and how without being baptized there is no
way that we can use the atonement in our lives. The young men president
said some things and we asked Kel what he thought about baptism. He said
he was all ready thinking about being baptized next week. He said that
he wanted to talk to a pastor of a church he was going to first, just to
tell him that he was going to be baptized in another church. The funny
thing is that the assistants had all ready met this pastor and he lives
in my area. I have taught him one time and this week I will teach him
again. I read Alma 34:31-32. I asked him when it said that we should
repent. He responded ´´now´´ Then I invited him in the name of Jesus
Christ to be baptized on that same day. He thought for a second then
responded, ´´ I accept´´. His friend Alan started crying and also Lima
got all choked up. The spirit was so strong with us in that very moment.
Kel gave the last prayer and in his prayer he asked God to touch the
heart of his friend that were talking to Elder Lund and Elder AMormino.
When we walked out of the room the entire hall filled with the spirit.
His two friends left the other rooms with tears in their eyes. Each one
of them felt the same answer at the same time. Instead of one person
being baptized their were 4. Tiago, the recent convert had done one more
thing really cool. He had called the Pastor of the other church where
they all had gone and invited him to the baptism of his brother. He
showed up and saw all three , members of his church, crying holding
white cloths. He asked what had happened? We told him that they had felt
the Holy Ghost and were going to be baptized. he said Yeah its true I
can feel it. We are probably going to teach him today or tomorrow. I
have never felt the way that I felt when I was teaching and interviewing
those three young men.
This week will be a week of miracles. We set a goal three months ago to
baptize 22 people in three months. This week is the last full week we
have. We are behind by 15 baptisms. I want to ask you guys to pray and
fast with us this week so that we can see the blessings of the Lord here
in our ward. Help us reach this goal.
That is so crazy that Kycen is 16 I cant even believe that . I feel a
little safer though that I am here in Brazil. Now that Elder Jensen is
here there is some height in the staff, but before we were all not very
tall hahaha. Elder Jensen has one year and 4 months on the mission. I
actually went and visited Barbalho last sat. It was really good to see
a lot of people again. I saw Gloria and Lucia too. This week I also
talked with President Hart about when i would go home.... you are going
to like this He is going to send me on the 23 of December so that I will
arrive in Utah on the 24, Christmas eve!. I am a little excited about
that. I hope that it all works out right and is what the lord wants. I
love and miss you guys. Hope you have a good week. Hope you do good at
the rodeos. Let me know how they go.Love you
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
week 65
week 64
Week 63
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Pictures Yeah
Knocking outside one of the churches
Taylor and Benegas in Elder Tangrens pants(Taylors companion) from when he first got here he has lost 50 lbs.
Monument in Petrolina the "Teebow pose"
This is a musuem they have a mini cathidral. the actual cathidral was in my area there but i thought it would be funny if i could do a godzilla on the abonable church hahaha
Us making a barbeque behind our house.
week 62
Monday, April 29, 2013
Week 61
hey I am glad that the package got there i was really worried because
the guy sent it like without any protection or value hahaha. I will see
what i can do on some more shirts for kycen. i will have to get saving
some money while i am here in the staff where i get a bigger allowance.
So cool story, last Sunday a member from Jomafa came to our ward. i was
talking to him and i don't know if you remember Antonia the second lady
that i baptized. Like almost all of her family is baptized there. When i
was there we started teaching her husband a little bit, but he was an
old drunk. Like one time we talked to him while he was on his horse and i
don't know how he was managing to stay on. Like i was impressed haha,
but anyways one of the Elder that i am living with now came from there
and they baptized him like a month ago. When i had left he had started
to take the lessons. it was so cool to hear that he had completely
changed like that. That is so funny about Ryder and the calf. Its the
Heart of a Champion hahaha. No i didn´t loose my camera. actually i
bought another one for fifty bucks and i think i got a kid who is going
to buy it for 100.. remind you of Zack? hahaha. i will try to get some
pictures sent to you guys this week. it just gets so crazy that
sometimes i run out of time to hook my camera up. So today we were
watching my rodeo video and you know the part where me and Quinn are
being interviewed. Well you guys should go back and watch it and focus
on Ryder it is so funny. He is such a champ. We have found some really
good people this week. we are teaching Paulo, Dinalva, and Josenice that
i hope we can baptize next week and i hope we can baptize another Bruno
this week. please pray for these people that Satan will not be able to
temp them. i love you guys have a good week. cant wait to talk to you in
two weeks.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
week 60
You will have to zoom out a little bit. it doesnt quite get our house but
it has our road in the picture. ok thank you so much at least i am here
now so i can get it out of the post office if it has taxes. although if
i have to pay 100 reais this time i will be out of luck cuzz i dont
have that kind of money on my card. i will stay with elder davis for
like 3 more weeks then he will leave then i will be companions with
freitas for one transfer then he will get a replacement and we will be
in threes again then i will train my replacement. so i will stay 4
transfers here which is like 6 months. i love you . even though you guys
forgot about me and didnt email me hahaha jk
Just FYI we emailed him from Tremonton's rodeo and the ipad. So much for technology hahaha long story short it didn't go through luckily I had video'd Kycen's Team roping run that night on my iphone and sent it to him so he did hear from us.
Monday, April 15, 2013
hey this last week has been so crazy. first off we thought that
transfers were on wed. so that would mean that we would
leave on Tuesday night. only that transfers were really on Tuesday so
Monday night we got a call at like 10:30 and they were asking us where
we were at. so we missed the bus and had to like work all night to get
packed and clean the house so that the sisters would get there to a
clean house. then we left at like 7 the next morning. we got here and i
all ready started into the work . Elder Davis is my trainer. he sat me
down and handed me a whole bunch of stuff and was like put these in your
pockets you are the new sec. now hahaha. it was really funny. then
another funny story is that all the missionaries that are leaving to go
home stayed at our house for two nights. they are all going home they
were crazy. they also have a tradition that every new member of the
staff has to be baptized. then on wed night they all pulled us out of
bed and "Baptized" us or better threw big buckets of water on me and the
other members of the staff that hadn´t been baptized yet. then it just
turned into a huge water fight hahaha. Everyone all ways says that the
Staff members are really blessed and i have already seen that. Thursday
we had a member that called us and was like Bruno wants to be baptized
tonight. We went there and talked with him and then planned the baptism
for yesterday. it was really cool he was a young kid that is like 14. At
first i didnt really want to come to the staff but now that i am here i
am seeing what a blessing it will be for me. I live with the
assistants, i am learning how to write and talk way more "saftisfactory" Portuguese because i have to do a lot of computer work, and i am also
learning a lot about secretary work which i think is going to help me. i
am way excited to be here . it is such a blessing to get to be close to
president and sister Hart as well . it is like we have a mom and dad
again hahaha. I have two companions now. elder Davis who i will be
taking his place so he is training me, and elder Freitas, who is the
executive sec. They are both way cool Davis is from California and
Freitas is from São paulo, he is from my group. we live in a place
called Pernambuece that is in the middle of Salvador. we get to eat at
the mall like everyday. so that is pretty cool. i am learning pretty
fast but there is so much to do and learn it is going to be kinda hard.
hey we were wanting to get some matching paisley ties for all of us at
the staff do you think you could send me a package with six ties in it?
i got three package's this week. one i had to pay to get it i dont know
why but it was totally worth it i love you guys so much i will talk to
you again next sat. love you have a good week.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Week 58
hey this week was ok. i have had better. it startted out so good but as
it went on we startted to get a little bumbed because we could see that
we going to babtize :( but it was also good because i got to watch
conference. i didnt realize how awesome conference was until now.
Conference is so special, and to think that i use to all ways sleep
through it. i liked Elder Perrys talk too, but i think my fav was either
president Monson or Elder Holland. Elder Holland reminds me of like a
coach. its like he is yelling at you and telling you about all the
things you are doing wrong, but at the same time its like you love him
and want to do better. i reallly like all Elder Holland. I did love the
talk about obedience though it was so awesome. So i still dont know
where i am going yet. we are still waiting to get the call. i know that i
will leave though. i am actually thinking that everyone in our house
will leave. these next few transfers will be really crazy because like
80% of the leadership in our mission will leave in these next two or
three transfers so it is like there will be a lot of movement and new
people. Then we are getting a lot more missionaries and a lot more
sisters so i think it will be really crazy. If the rumors are true i
will be going back to Salvador and i will be a secratry.1 i dont like Salvador, 2 ......... had to bleep out this part sorry haha, but i know that the lord has a plan for everything. we should be
getting the call here pretty soon so as soon as i know i will let you
know where i am going. i cant believe how fast time is going by. it
seems like it was yesterday that i got here in the field and know it is a
full year. i will be home in 6 or 7 transfers. i hope that i get your
packages that you sent me tomorrow. i love you and miss you guys hope
you have a good week. i will write you as soon as i know where i am
hey so i just got called i am going to be the new finacial secratery . yeah i will be in salvador and work in the office. it will be good. i sent a package to you guys last week and it had a bracelet and the name tag. the problem is the way the guy sent it was wierd so i hope it gets to you guys with stuff still in it. hey one good thing is i will get my packages as soon as they get here for six months hahaha. buy a bacon egg and cheese biscut for me (ryder sent him a video message of him going to McD's Taylors favorite and getting a sausage mcgriddle for breakfast they use to do this about every morning lol)
yeah that will be the best part i will get to be with president hart and sister hart a lot. i will not get to work in the field as much but i still will. i dont know how it will be on the computer i know that i will be on the computer every day.
um i am not sure on the adress hahah i can send it to you on saturday cuz i think i will have another pday on sat. yeah it will be good it will help me like i told dad before my answer to not having money was go to the ropin ha so maybe this is why the lord is sending me there. i dont know how it all works but i will let you know as soon as i do. we will leave tomorrow night. they moved our transfer days now they are on wed so we wont leave tell tomorrow.
hey so i just got called i am going to be the new finacial secratery . yeah i will be in salvador and work in the office. it will be good. i sent a package to you guys last week and it had a bracelet and the name tag. the problem is the way the guy sent it was wierd so i hope it gets to you guys with stuff still in it. hey one good thing is i will get my packages as soon as they get here for six months hahaha. buy a bacon egg and cheese biscut for me (ryder sent him a video message of him going to McD's Taylors favorite and getting a sausage mcgriddle for breakfast they use to do this about every morning lol)
yeah that will be the best part i will get to be with president hart and sister hart a lot. i will not get to work in the field as much but i still will. i dont know how it will be on the computer i know that i will be on the computer every day.
um i am not sure on the adress hahah i can send it to you on saturday cuz i think i will have another pday on sat. yeah it will be good it will help me like i told dad before my answer to not having money was go to the ropin ha so maybe this is why the lord is sending me there. i dont know how it all works but i will let you know as soon as i do. we will leave tomorrow night. they moved our transfer days now they are on wed so we wont leave tell tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Week 57
hey i dont know if i will be able to answer all the questions you made
this week but i will try hahaha. this week was good. easter was normal.
here in the field there isnt really a difference in normal days and
holidays, except that there are no people in the streets. um there are a
lot of areas in our mission. like there are 7 zones and then the zones
are divided into areas. i hope that i get trasfered to a place called
Irece. it is a new area that they opened two transfers ago. i think that
it would be cool to go to a place that nobody has been before. yeah i
actually ate that stuff today. it is really good here. i drink a lot of
guarana too. i have actually been using guarana powder in the morning to
give me more energy to exercise. um no i usually do the dvds on my own.
last week i got Marcolino to do the bicept one with me and he cried for
a week. hahaha. but yeah people are crazy here. no i am about half way
done with the Jesus The Christ. i dont care if you ride it. you can if
you want. i saw ryders new teeth and was going to ask what happened to
them. hahaha. did they run away? The other question that i had is who
gave permission to kycen to practice driving in my truck? i am going to
want to sell that here in 10 months. hahahaha. no i dont need maple yet i
still have a bottle full. i am doing good. i am trying to keep my head
up we had to drop about all of our investigatores last week which was a
real bummer. our goal this week is finish strong. we only have one more
week together so we are going to try to work hard and not let off here
at the end. i no that i am being tried here and i got to win this
battle. i love you guys i hope you have a great week. i will have to do
some training on the computer with tangren so i will write you guys this
i dont know how it is i have never been there. i only know that they are babtizing a lot and nobody knows anything about the missionaries which is good. and by sell my truck i meant sell it to you so if you want to trust your future truck with dude haha. good luck out there today. i am going to go to work then do some p90 x tonight. i love you. finish strong. !!!!! THE TEAM hahah
i dont know how it is i have never been there. i only know that they are babtizing a lot and nobody knows anything about the missionaries which is good. and by sell my truck i meant sell it to you so if you want to trust your future truck with dude haha. good luck out there today. i am going to go to work then do some p90 x tonight. i love you. finish strong. !!!!! THE TEAM hahah
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Week 56
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Week 55
its all good. this week. the heat sparked back up and it was 120 this
week for about a week. it really makes it hard to work when it is that
hot but we are trying hard. even the people from here are struggling
with the heat. getting people to come to church seems like our biggist
difficulty. yeah it is not as humid here but its so hot it doesnt matter
if its humid or not. we are teaching Joseli, Adriana, Aparaciera and
her family, and leo. those are our best investigatores right now. its
startting to get more and more difficult for me because i have worked in
like all of my area. i am running out of ideas. we are trying to keep
our heads up though. the horses look good. i like the pictures where i
can see the yard and my truck. its the little things that you start to
miss the most. i know how quinn feels. at first it is almost good to get
a little break from it all, but then after a little while you just
start to miss it. it doesnt matter what you do you cant get your horses,
roping, nothing out. i walk everywhere roping imaginary steers. i think
people think i am crazy. i try to stop and just focuse on why i am
here, but i cant get it out of my head. i miss you guys i love you and
hope you have a good week. pry for my investigatores they need. it. ....
oh yeah we all had to talk at church this week. it whent good. we all
did good. only Elder Benegas who is from argintina was hard to
understand,but it was way cool. i used a story out of the book kim hafen
gave me. i talked about service and how that we need to give not only
physical service to people but spiritual too. we need to feed people
spirtually by sharing the gospel more. have a good week .
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Brazil Salvador Mission
Caixa Postal 6946 Pituba
41830-355 Salvador BA Brazil
Packages mail to:
Brazil Salvador Mission
Av. Antonio C. Magalhaes, 3247
Mailbox 4946
Sala 402 Pituba
41830-355 Salavador BA Brazil
Brazil Salvador Mission
Caixa Postal 6946 Pituba
41830-355 Salvador BA Brazil
Packages mail to:
Brazil Salvador Mission
Av. Antonio C. Magalhaes, 3247
Mailbox 4946
Sala 402 Pituba
41830-355 Salavador BA Brazil
week 54
hey this week was good. it was really hot. we spent a lot of time
knocking doors in the sun. we found some really good people though so it
was worth it. so yesterday we went to Elder Hubbards house and hung out
wiht him for pday. that was cool. he goes home in 9 weeks! that is so
crazy to me. i also got my package you sent me ! i have already watched
my video like three times haha. i loved the package and am convinced
that i have the best family in the world and definatly the best mom. i
did ´90x today and made it about half the way through the first cd and
about threw up haha. it was so freaking hard haha. i am still having a
hard time seeing you guys going to a concert. haha. that is good that
kycen won some money. tell him that he has to handle them . if he
handles them for wayce they will win. tell him it is not like me i
lucked out and had quinn behind me and didnt have to handle them all
that well hahahaha. the weeks are passing by really fast here. i think
that it is getting hotter though. i hope that i get transfered to a
little bit cooler place haha. if that exists here. oh i wanted to know
what the medicine was that was in the package that you sent me? how
should i use it? i hope you guys have a good week have fun in the snow
and get feeling better. i love you guys.
Monday, March 4, 2013
week 53
hahaha that is funny about bam. the funny part is that you thought i
would feel bad. like you thought i wouldn't have done the same thing to
him hahha. yeah it is really hard to want to get up and get out of bed
in the mornings when its nice and cold haha. i sleep so good. if i could
i would take it with me but i don't think it would fit in my bag haha.
No Leo wasn't baptized. we learned that he has a dad so we have to find
his dad and get him to sign the papers for him. they had efy in
Salvador. they only have efy here every 4 years. i kinda wish i would
have went to efy before. i was all ways to distracted with other things.
we are teaching a lot of people they just don't want to come to church.
its really sad. its like you work hard all week to have no one go to
church. but we are teaching one lady who was a professional hand ball
player! she has traveled all over the world to play hand ball i thought
that was pretty cool. i cant believe that my truck broke down already.
like you just barely got it back. you guys are hard on trucks haha. so
wanna know something crazy Elder Hubbard will go home in 10 weeks. time
goes by so freaking fast. i cant believe it. i think you should
secretary the roping's. its smarter. you don't need to send me Dave's music
i cant listen to it here, but i will when I get home for sure. haha i
wish it was 80 degrees here. its still really hot here haha. this week
was pretty normal. it seems like each week goes by faster than the last.
i got my new tag so i will send you guys a package here in a week or
so. i will by some more stuff to send to you guys. i miss you guys and
love you all. have a good week.
ok i will look for some more of them to send to him. that is so cool about greys tail i am glad to see that you guys are taking care of y things.... well except for my truck
hahaha haha yeah sounds like it. just don't talk grandpa into giving you my new
truck before i get home i would like it to run when i get it hahaha.
yeah i think we take for granted lots of times what we have. we go through hard times but it could be worse i think. i love you. no i didn't get the package. i will have him send you the things he wants and his address because i don't think i will be here by the time it gets here. maybe i will get packages this week.
this week was pretty normal. not a lot exciting happened. we worked hard all week and nobody went to church it was a real bummer. we are trying to get into the English schools here to help teach English and find some more investigators. i think it will be something really cool if we can get it to work. that sucks when you rope good and don't do good. its like i would rather just rope bad sometimes haha. i am glad to hear gray is working good. mom told me a little bit about how he worked and it remind me of the big bratt when i won it. he worked so awesome there. that is nuts that he is going to Africa. do you know if he will have to speak another language? there are some places there that speak Portuguese. i cant believe that Brandon is all ready gone and that Dixon will have his call soon. its still crazy to me to see all my friends that had no desire before all going on missions now. i don't know if i got the picture of grey? i found a site that is about team roping in Brazil and they have a lot of videos on YouTube form team roping here its kinda cool its kinda funny some of them. i hope that i can work for cactus maybe as an interpreter and come back here to rope i think it would be so cool. i miss you hope you have a good week.
ok i will look for some more of them to send to him. that is so cool about greys tail i am glad to see that you guys are taking care of y things.... well except for my truck

yeah i think we take for granted lots of times what we have. we go through hard times but it could be worse i think. i love you. no i didn't get the package. i will have him send you the things he wants and his address because i don't think i will be here by the time it gets here. maybe i will get packages this week.
this week was pretty normal. not a lot exciting happened. we worked hard all week and nobody went to church it was a real bummer. we are trying to get into the English schools here to help teach English and find some more investigators. i think it will be something really cool if we can get it to work. that sucks when you rope good and don't do good. its like i would rather just rope bad sometimes haha. i am glad to hear gray is working good. mom told me a little bit about how he worked and it remind me of the big bratt when i won it. he worked so awesome there. that is nuts that he is going to Africa. do you know if he will have to speak another language? there are some places there that speak Portuguese. i cant believe that Brandon is all ready gone and that Dixon will have his call soon. its still crazy to me to see all my friends that had no desire before all going on missions now. i don't know if i got the picture of grey? i found a site that is about team roping in Brazil and they have a lot of videos on YouTube form team roping here its kinda cool its kinda funny some of them. i hope that i can work for cactus maybe as an interpreter and come back here to rope i think it would be so cool. i miss you hope you have a good week.
week 52
haha well i was on on sat becasue i am training Tangren and he has to do
some activities on the computer so i was looking at the scores of the
basketbal game and i couldnt believe that they got throttled so bad ha.
that really sucks for them. that sucks about the package. and even worse
becasue i wont get the dr pepper hahaha. thats ok about the cherries i
dont even use it haha. it is so good without it. that is so cool about
annie. i am so proud that you won haha. it just takes me not being there
for you to win. no we didnt babtize this week. Leo the nefew of marjory
his dad hasnt decided if he is going to let him be babtized or not yet.
today is the day we will learn about the transfers. i think i will stay
here, this week we recieved the greatest blessing i have gotten in a
long time hahah. we had a member give us an air conditioner!!!!!!!!!! it
is so nice to sleep with a blanket again haha. we moved our house all
around and put all of our beds in one room. we get home and plan and
then we lock ouselves inour room and turn on th ac hahah it is so
amazing. this week willl be crazy normally we have transfers on tuesday
but its being moved to wed. now. so i dont know how it is all going to
work out. so we learned why we all got sick. they are having problems
with the water here. so now i just drink coke ;) hahah just kiddin we by
bottled water. so last week we made apple crisp too. it was one of the
best things that i have made here hahaha. i am so greatful that my mom
taught me how to cook. so what are you guys doing now that basketball
and everything is over. can you still ride in te arena? have there been
any ropings? one lesson that i learned this week is that God knows what
we need to grow. we were talking bout how people in different times
have different challenges. i realized that God sent us now because the
challenges of today are the things we have to learn to deal with because
maybe the other difficulties we can all ready handle. we are here to
grow. if it was easy we wouldnt grow. i hope you have a good week. i
love you guys
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Week 51
good morning. this week was really good. we were very busy but it was all worth it. yeah you understood right. they were investigators that had to get married first to get baptized so Friday was there wedding then sat. they were baptized. it was so cool. it was the first wedding i have been to here in Brazil. Carnaval was chill here. lucky for me i was in Petrolina hahaha. here it was a dessert. every store was closed and there was nobody in the streets. it made it hard to work because there were no people in the streets and those that were were all drunk but we had a lot of work with the baptism and wedding to help them. its getting a little cooler here but not really hahaha. that is cool about Brandon's talk. i am so stoked that all my friends are going on missions. it was such a surprise to me how many people decided to go after i left. i really like that idea about the shoes and how you compared it to the gospel. it is really good sometimes to remember where we came from and remember why we started living the gospel. yeah we are all better now . we were all sick but that was a couple weeks ago. yeah this is the last week of this transfer but i will probably stay here. i bet Marcolino will leave our house. In the picture of the Mohawk we were roasting marshmallows there hahaha. yeah that is behind our house. so one thing that i thought was cool this week. We were at the wedding of marjoy and Jeferson. I was talking to Jeferson and he was like "tomorrow will be a huge day" the day of his wedding and he realized that the baptism was going to be the big part of his week. i thought that was way awesome. then we were talking to their nephew and he had just gotten back from EFY and he now wants to be baptized so we are planning to baptize him this week! I know that i am here for a reason and that there are people here that are waiting for me. it still doesn't make me miss rodeo hahaha. like before i all ways wanted to go hard and try to make the world, but i don't know. now i know that it what i want to do. i have to try. but its getting better. i am missing it but its not getting in my way to work or anything. you can tell Dave Peterson that i understand the music now so i must be learning the language hahaha. the bad part is that i wish that i didn't understand the music hahaha. here in Bahia they have a kind of music that is not very clean hahaha. it was better before i understood it hahaha. but i love you guys i miss you and hope you have a good week. hey only three more months and i get to talk to you guys again. |
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
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